More Confident About Quitting Your Job or Not.By Bob Firestone
Should you quit your job in order to look for a new one??
This is a common situation you might be in. Should you quit now andfocus on finding a new job, or should you STAY at your current joband keep looking?
Companies usually like to hire people who currently have a job, asopposed to people who are unemployed. The reason is that companiescharacterize most people who are unemployed as having sometype of "problem.
"This may NOT be true about you (whether you have a job right now ornot) but by having no job you may be perceived as having some typeof problem. So if you can, DON'T QUIT YOUR DAY JOB while youare looking for a new job.+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=Since
you won't be quitting, what should you do?Become the perfect employee! -- Approach your current job as if youare going for a promotion, or as if you are putting in an extraeffort so that you get a raise.
But at the same time, tactfully BLOW SOME SOME STUFF OFF andcarefully CUT OUT EARLY in order to give yourself enough time tofocus on YOUR TRUE GOAL -- which is getting the heck out of thereand getting into a new job, right?!?
Here are 6 things you should do at your current job:
1. Use a private, personal email account for your job hunting. Useyahoo, or gmail. Your NEXT boss may not like the fact that you areusing your existing company email to search for a new job. Also,your company email is property of the company, and they might bereading it, or they might save it for later.
2. Don't miss work at your current job to do your interviews!Schedule your interviews for lunch time, or after work. In fact,you should start coming in earlier and visibly staying later.Maintain the APPEARANCE of WORKING HARDER at your current job whileyou are looking for a new gig.
3. Try to find ways to save money for your current employer. Thenin your interviews you can say, "In the last month I saved mycompany $7,500."
4. At your current job put in an extra effort to try new thingsOUTSIDE OF your job description. Help people you usually don'thelp. Then write that down ... use it in your interviews.
5. Don't talk trash about your current company or boss. Bediplomatic about how you convey your dissatisfaction -- both atyour current job, in the interviews you are doing, and after youget hired into the new job you are going for.
6. Go out of your way to find ways to TRAIN YOURSELF that willprepare you for your next position. You can volunteer for tasksthat will give you more experience. You can use that experience as"ammo" in your job interviews.That's all for now
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