50 questions asked in a job interview
At this point and where recruiters, check all the positive and negative
features of the job vacancy candidate. For determining the responses
and gestures that are necessary both for the positive and for the
1. Tell me about you:
This is perhaps the most common question in a job interview. You will
need to bring in your mind a short answer more or less memorized, but
try not to let that brought the prepared response, as this will give
him an image of weak spontaneity. Avoid mentioning interests or
activities that do not relate directly to their work activities and
address them only if they are specifically presented to him. Describe
here who has already made in your professional life, particularly
focusing on what relates to the job to which you are responding. Start
in the past and continue its brief description to date.
2. Why leave your last job?
Whatever what the circumstances were, always keep a positive touch.
Never, but never, mention serious problems in your previous
organization and never more never even mention conflicts with his
superiors or side. Doing so will lose his job for sure. Say out by any
positive reason such as looking for a new start.
3. What's your experience in this field?
Be the specific issues related to the position that is on the table. If
you do not have specific experience, try to close as possible. Avoid
all topics that do not have anything directly to do with the field for
which you are applying.
4. It is considered a man / woman successful?
He is obliged to answer yes and briefly explain why you think that way,
listing the goals outlined for himself in the past and how achieved and
hope to achieve as the other in the near future.
5. What do you think your colleagues you?
Take mentally with you one or two sentences quoted from one of its
employees, side or top. If you do not remember anything say "Joaquim
always says I'm the most efficient and persistent worker who has ever
6. What do you know about this organization?
It is imperative to investigate the organization before the interview.
Get to know all about the organization, what are your expansion plans,
its economic strength, etc.
7. What made to improve their technical knowledge in the last year?
Mention all improvement activities of its performance in recent
functions, from those that were funded by the previous organization to
those that eventually paid from his own pocket.
8. You are also competing to respond to other job offers?
Be honest, but limited to the minimum your answers as the matter is to
stay focused on the job on the table, none of the others.
9. Why do you want to work in this organization?
This may be your most important answer. Based on the research you did
on the organization. Be absolutely honest as any falsehood can
determine your disposal.
10. Do you know anyone who works for us?
This question can be fatal ... there are organizations that do not hire
family and friends mention only if it is given notice and is absolutely
trustworthy ... would not be the first to be deceived by false friend
who when asked about us gives us an opposite image to the expected and
deeply negative.
11. What is salary you expect to obtain?
A delicate question answer ... care to answer first, which is why the
wiser will prevent, respond to and ask something like, "tell me what
kind of salary that is at issue here"? Some interviewers will respond,
others do not ... virtually none will take the evil for running away to
answer. If however, you think you have even respond, give a value as
vague and imprecise as possible.
12. As it is with teamwork?
Will have no choice but to say yes, that performs very well and likes
it a lot. Have examples at hand, ready to quote and the more recent the
better. Exemplifies with cases sacrificed their own welfare or personal
glory on behalf of team performance. Never boast, but try to remain in
the field of the facts as far as possible.
13. How long hopes to work for us?
Do not be too specific. Say something vague like "long" or "while they
think I'm doing a good job."
14. Have you ever had to fire anyone? How did that feel?
Another issue on which the quality of response is vital ... Never let
it appear that like to do, even if that person deserved such a
dismissal. Mention that had to do what had to be done, and ready.
Explain that when it comes to defending the organization or individual
must always choose the former.
15. What is your philosophy about the work?
Do not ever stretch at length about this topic ... Speak your mind the
work that has to be done, and those who are particularly urgent and how
much you want to sacrifice to meet them. Be positive, showing a special
focus on the benefits to the organization.
16. If today had enough money to retire, do it was going?
No. Of course you have to say no ... say rather work to be reformed ...
17. Have you ever been asked to leave a function?
If so, be honest ... but briefly and always without saying anything
negative about the circumstances in which it happened.
18. Explain how it could be a useful asset to the organization
One of the most important responses of the entire interview is this ...
Use it to highlight your most positive points, especially those most
closely related to the opportunity on the table.
19. Why should we hire?
Underline the extent to which their skills match the organization's
needs. Never mention that it is better than any other competitor, not
even in the abstract.
20. Tell me a recent suggestion that you did in your last job
Go to the interview with one of these suggestions already prepared.
This should be one that has been accepted (in order to maintain the
positive tone) and has had a successful application. Ideally, it should
be directly applicable in the type of functions that are now competing.
21. What annoys you most in your side?
It does not smell his trap? One should not, because that's exactly what
here it comes ... Simulate that you're thinking about something and
then tell you anything that does not occur in them that annoy and your
relationship with them is so good that no rushes him now nothing the
irritating them.
22. What is your greatest strength?
Can you give one of several responses. Since it is a clearly positive.
The most common responses are something like this: their ability to
prioritize the resolution of problems or projects, their ability to
work under pressure, their expertise or their leadership.
23. Describe what would be for a "dream job"
Please do not refer to any job you had in the past, not even one that
is now on the table. Not specifically mention another job than the one
which corresponds to this interview because it can tell the interviewer
that will come out at the first opportunity. The best is to stay in the
field of generalities.
24. Why do you think that well adapt to this job?
Mention your skills, experience and motivation.
25. What is your job?
See 23 response
26. What kind of person would refuse to work?
Mention disloyalty to the organization, physical or verbal violence or
illegality. Any thing less severe than it should be omitted.
27. What is more important to you; money or work?
Money is always important, but the type of work and the satisfaction
that withdraws it weighs more and more.
28. What was your strong point, according to his former superior?
There are several possible answers here, as loyalty, energy, leadership
skills, technical knowledge, etc.
29. Tell me the biggest problem we ever had with a supervisor
Another trap ... The idea is to get it to speak ill of his superior. If
it falls, the interview is completed. The solution may be to remain
positive and claim lack of memory, just as politicians do when they
feel tighter.
30. What is disappointed before a job?
Do not be negative. Talk about "lack of challenges" or was away in any
reorganization or if the company folded, use this information now.
31. Tell what is your ability to work under pressure
Say it like certain types of pressure. Give examples that may relate to
the position to which you are applying.
32. Their skills are better suited for this job or to another?
Probably this. Do not give clues that might want more another job
beyond this.
33. What motivates you to work better?
Depends on you ... But can use buzzwords like challenges, the spirit of
personal and organizational achievement, recognition of the good work
done, etc.
34. Is willing to work beyond their time? Making nights and weekends?
Yes, of course ... If appropriate, where the organization needs, will
have to be ready for anything.
35. How will you know if was successful in this job?
There are several ways to measure success. Setting high standards for
quality and performance and fulfilling them. But only his superior is
that really know whether it has been successful.
36. If necessary, be prepared to change their place of work?
It should be clear and honest. Shall gather together his own family its
readiness for such a change if it seems likely that the questioning on
this. Never say that you are willing to move and then do not do it ...
Since it can determine the end of his career.
37. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization above
their own?
This question seeks to gauge their potential loyalty. Do not stretch.
Limit yourself to say yes.
38. Describe your management style
Avoid the buzzwords management, because look exactly what they are:
hollow. However, you can use common terms such as "progressive",
"consensus generator" (as Obama touts) and say that the changes
according to the needs of each circumstance.
39. What have you learned from past mistakes?
A trap again ... Do not mention anything really serious, but be sure to
mention either small mistake, always emphasizing the positive aspect
(corrective measures, obtained learning, etc.)
40. It has some weaknesses?
Do not give them clues ... Obviously that has - like everyone else -
but leave it to your future employer the task of discovering them.
Escape to the phrase that no one is good judge at home itself.
41. If you were hiring someone for this work, which seek it (a)?
Obviously, whatever it is that says, always refer to features that
already has and leave aside all those who do not.
42. You think you're sobrequalificado for this position?
Say anything but yes. If you think so, and if the confirm saying, is to
tell your potential employer that will take the first opportunity ...
43. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?
If you have any relevant experience that the interviewer is not aware,
mention it now. If not, focus on confirming their commitment and their
ability to work.
44. What qualities demand a superior?
Be generic and positive. Alludes confidence, sense of humor (all
believe that we have, especially bosses) and knowledge.
45. Give an example a case in which he had to resolve a dispute between
Take a case and allude especially the way solved the problem.
46. What position prefer a team that is working on a given project?
Be honest. Tell you work well in a team, you have leadership skills and
briefly exemplify with concrete examples.
47. Describe your work ethic
Mention anything that might benefit the organization as a spirit of
enterprise and taste for pure satisfaction collected by running a job
with quality and efficiency.
48. What was, until today, its biggest professional disappointment?
Say there you say, can never mention something that was under his
direct control. Demonstrate spirit of acceptance and avoid negativity.
49. What was the most fun thing we did at work?
Something that contributed to the organization and within the normal
pursue their duties, of course ...
50. Any questions?
Carry - mentally - a prepared list of questions, the result of their
research on the Internet and that have to do with how you can
contribute to the organization. Question about the projects that are
taking place and those who are about to start and the structure where
it will integrate.
At this point and where recruiters, check all the positive and negative
features of the job vacancy candidate. For determining the responses
and gestures that are necessary both for the positive and for the
1. Tell me about you:
This is perhaps the most common question in a job interview. You will
need to bring in your mind a short answer more or less memorized, but
try not to let that brought the prepared response, as this will give
him an image of weak spontaneity. Avoid mentioning interests or
activities that do not relate directly to their work activities and
address them only if they are specifically presented to him. Describe
here who has already made in your professional life, particularly
focusing on what relates to the job to which you are responding. Start
in the past and continue its brief description to date.
2. Why leave your last job?
Whatever what the circumstances were, always keep a positive touch.
Never, but never, mention serious problems in your previous
organization and never more never even mention conflicts with his
superiors or side. Doing so will lose his job for sure. Say out by any
positive reason such as looking for a new start.
3. What's your experience in this field?
Be the specific issues related to the position that is on the table. If
you do not have specific experience, try to close as possible. Avoid
all topics that do not have anything directly to do with the field for
which you are applying.
4. It is considered a man / woman successful?
He is obliged to answer yes and briefly explain why you think that way,
listing the goals outlined for himself in the past and how achieved and
hope to achieve as the other in the near future.
5. What do you think your colleagues you?
Take mentally with you one or two sentences quoted from one of its
employees, side or top. If you do not remember anything say "Joaquim
always says I'm the most efficient and persistent worker who has ever
6. What do you know about this organization?
It is imperative to investigate the organization before the interview.
Get to know all about the organization, what are your expansion plans,
its economic strength, etc.
7. What made to improve their technical knowledge in the last year?
Mention all improvement activities of its performance in recent
functions, from those that were funded by the previous organization to
those that eventually paid from his own pocket.
8. You are also competing to respond to other job offers?
Be honest, but limited to the minimum your answers as the matter is to
stay focused on the job on the table, none of the others.
9. Why do you want to work in this organization?
This may be your most important answer. Based on the research you did
on the organization. Be absolutely honest as any falsehood can
determine your disposal.
10. Do you know anyone who works for us?
This question can be fatal ... there are organizations that do not hire
family and friends mention only if it is given notice and is absolutely
trustworthy ... would not be the first to be deceived by false friend
who when asked about us gives us an opposite image to the expected and
deeply negative.
11. What is salary you expect to obtain?
A delicate question answer ... care to answer first, which is why the
wiser will prevent, respond to and ask something like, "tell me what
kind of salary that is at issue here"? Some interviewers will respond,
others do not ... virtually none will take the evil for running away to
answer. If however, you think you have even respond, give a value as
vague and imprecise as possible.
12. As it is with teamwork?
Will have no choice but to say yes, that performs very well and likes
it a lot. Have examples at hand, ready to quote and the more recent the
better. Exemplifies with cases sacrificed their own welfare or personal
glory on behalf of team performance. Never boast, but try to remain in
the field of the facts as far as possible.
13. How long hopes to work for us?
Do not be too specific. Say something vague like "long" or "while they
think I'm doing a good job."
14. Have you ever had to fire anyone? How did that feel?
Another issue on which the quality of response is vital ... Never let
it appear that like to do, even if that person deserved such a
dismissal. Mention that had to do what had to be done, and ready.
Explain that when it comes to defending the organization or individual
must always choose the former.
15. What is your philosophy about the work?
Do not ever stretch at length about this topic ... Speak your mind the
work that has to be done, and those who are particularly urgent and how
much you want to sacrifice to meet them. Be positive, showing a special
focus on the benefits to the organization.
16. If today had enough money to retire, do it was going?
No. Of course you have to say no ... say rather work to be reformed ...
17. Have you ever been asked to leave a function?
If so, be honest ... but briefly and always without saying anything
negative about the circumstances in which it happened.
18. Explain how it could be a useful asset to the organization
One of the most important responses of the entire interview is this ...
Use it to highlight your most positive points, especially those most
closely related to the opportunity on the table.
19. Why should we hire?
Underline the extent to which their skills match the organization's
needs. Never mention that it is better than any other competitor, not
even in the abstract.
20. Tell me a recent suggestion that you did in your last job
Go to the interview with one of these suggestions already prepared.
This should be one that has been accepted (in order to maintain the
positive tone) and has had a successful application. Ideally, it should
be directly applicable in the type of functions that are now competing.
21. What annoys you most in your side?
It does not smell his trap? One should not, because that's exactly what
here it comes ... Simulate that you're thinking about something and
then tell you anything that does not occur in them that annoy and your
relationship with them is so good that no rushes him now nothing the
irritating them.
22. What is your greatest strength?
Can you give one of several responses. Since it is a clearly positive.
The most common responses are something like this: their ability to
prioritize the resolution of problems or projects, their ability to
work under pressure, their expertise or their leadership.
23. Describe what would be for a "dream job"
Please do not refer to any job you had in the past, not even one that
is now on the table. Not specifically mention another job than the one
which corresponds to this interview because it can tell the interviewer
that will come out at the first opportunity. The best is to stay in the
field of generalities.
24. Why do you think that well adapt to this job?
Mention your skills, experience and motivation.
25. What is your job?
See 23 response
26. What kind of person would refuse to work?
Mention disloyalty to the organization, physical or verbal violence or
illegality. Any thing less severe than it should be omitted.
27. What is more important to you; money or work?
Money is always important, but the type of work and the satisfaction
that withdraws it weighs more and more.
28. What was your strong point, according to his former superior?
There are several possible answers here, as loyalty, energy, leadership
skills, technical knowledge, etc.
29. Tell me the biggest problem we ever had with a supervisor
Another trap ... The idea is to get it to speak ill of his superior. If
it falls, the interview is completed. The solution may be to remain
positive and claim lack of memory, just as politicians do when they
feel tighter.
30. What is disappointed before a job?
Do not be negative. Talk about "lack of challenges" or was away in any
reorganization or if the company folded, use this information now.
31. Tell what is your ability to work under pressure
Say it like certain types of pressure. Give examples that may relate to
the position to which you are applying.
32. Their skills are better suited for this job or to another?
Probably this. Do not give clues that might want more another job
beyond this.
33. What motivates you to work better?
Depends on you ... But can use buzzwords like challenges, the spirit of
personal and organizational achievement, recognition of the good work
done, etc.
34. Is willing to work beyond their time? Making nights and weekends?
Yes, of course ... If appropriate, where the organization needs, will
have to be ready for anything.
35. How will you know if was successful in this job?
There are several ways to measure success. Setting high standards for
quality and performance and fulfilling them. But only his superior is
that really know whether it has been successful.
36. If necessary, be prepared to change their place of work?
It should be clear and honest. Shall gather together his own family its
readiness for such a change if it seems likely that the questioning on
this. Never say that you are willing to move and then do not do it ...
Since it can determine the end of his career.
37. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization above
their own?
This question seeks to gauge their potential loyalty. Do not stretch.
Limit yourself to say yes.
38. Describe your management style
Avoid the buzzwords management, because look exactly what they are:
hollow. However, you can use common terms such as "progressive",
"consensus generator" (as Obama touts) and say that the changes
according to the needs of each circumstance.
39. What have you learned from past mistakes?
A trap again ... Do not mention anything really serious, but be sure to
mention either small mistake, always emphasizing the positive aspect
(corrective measures, obtained learning, etc.)
40. It has some weaknesses?
Do not give them clues ... Obviously that has - like everyone else -
but leave it to your future employer the task of discovering them.
Escape to the phrase that no one is good judge at home itself.
41. If you were hiring someone for this work, which seek it (a)?
Obviously, whatever it is that says, always refer to features that
already has and leave aside all those who do not.
42. You think you're sobrequalificado for this position?
Say anything but yes. If you think so, and if the confirm saying, is to
tell your potential employer that will take the first opportunity ...
43. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?
If you have any relevant experience that the interviewer is not aware,
mention it now. If not, focus on confirming their commitment and their
ability to work.
44. What qualities demand a superior?
Be generic and positive. Alludes confidence, sense of humor (all
believe that we have, especially bosses) and knowledge.
45. Give an example a case in which he had to resolve a dispute between
Take a case and allude especially the way solved the problem.
46. What position prefer a team that is working on a given project?
Be honest. Tell you work well in a team, you have leadership skills and
briefly exemplify with concrete examples.
47. Describe your work ethic
Mention anything that might benefit the organization as a spirit of
enterprise and taste for pure satisfaction collected by running a job
with quality and efficiency.
48. What was, until today, its biggest professional disappointment?
Say there you say, can never mention something that was under his
direct control. Demonstrate spirit of acceptance and avoid negativity.
49. What was the most fun thing we did at work?
Something that contributed to the organization and within the normal
pursue their duties, of course ...
50. Any questions?
Carry - mentally - a prepared list of questions, the result of their
research on the Internet and that have to do with how you can
contribute to the organization. Question about the projects that are
taking place and those who are about to start and the structure where
it will integrate.
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