
Self-esteem may seem like a cheesy, mushy topic best suited for Dr. Phil and the self-help aisle. But any successful business person will tell you that "with risk comes reward" -- and you are going to need CONFIDENCE and SELF-ESTEEM to take the calculated risks that will get you more success, more respect, more time to spend with your family, or whatever it is you want to achieve in life.

Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself.
If you're like most people, your self-esteem can go up and down. One day you might feel really great about yourself; unafraid to try anything. And the next day you're just as likely to feel completely down in the dumps, unsure of yourself, unmotivated, and afraid to act. Here are some ideas to consider.

1. Stop comparing yourself with other people.
Human beings can increase or decrease their sense of self-value by contrasting themselves either positively or negatively with others. But if you play the comparison game, you'll run into too many "opponents" you can't defeat. There will always be some people who have more than you and some who have less. So stop comparing! What's the point? It's about how you feel about yourself.

2. Stop the critic inside of you.
Some people have a bad habit of putting themselves down. They say negative things to themselves like, "I'm not good at this, I shouldn't try," or "There you go again, stupid!" Don't do this to yourself. Get in the new habit of catching yourself saying critical things about yourself and learn to silence your inner critic. If it's unavoidable, at least tone down the level of your criticism. Try to replace a negative thought with a positive thought.

3. Forgive and forget.

Don't waste your time and energy thinking of past hurts. Your time can be wisely spent for other productive things rather than negative thoughts about the past. Remember, 
you forgive for yourself, not for the other person. So forgive that person who has wronged you -- you are doing this FOR YOUR OWN BENEFIT -- not theirs. Forgive them, and move on.

4. Associate with positive, supportive people.

Hang out with enthusiastic people. This way, you will get infected by their positive attitude. You will view the world in its full shining glory and move around oozing with energy. Stay away from negative people. When you are surrounded by negative people who constantly put you and your ideas down, your self-esteem is lowered. Zig Ziglar once said "You can't fly with the eagles if you continue to scratch with the turkeys." Cheesy, but true.

5. Get involved in work and activities you love.
It's hard to feel good about yourself if your days are spent doing work you hate! Self-esteem flourishes when you are engaged in work and activities that you enjoy and make you feel valuable. And even if you're not in a position to make immediate changes in your career, you can still devote some of your leisure time to constructive hobbies or activities that make you happy. What healthy things are in your life that make you happy? Do more of them!

6. Be true to yourself.

Live your own life -- not the life someone else decided is best for you. You will never gain your own respect and you will never feel good about yourself if you aren't leading the life you want to lead. So if you're still making decisions based on getting approval from friends and relatives, you aren't being true to yourself; and your self-esteem is lowered.

7. Talk affirmatively to others and yourself.

Words carry power that can hurt other people or yourself. Similarly, words can generate enough power to give warmth and comfort. So be conscious of your choice of words. Choose affirmative words when speaking with others. Be positive with other people. Be positive with yourself.

8. Quit blaming yourself for mistakes in the past.

There are many things in life that you can't control, so stop blaming yourself for negative outcomes. Instead, learn to honor your own efforts and give yourself proper credit for things that you have done right, and done well. Just the fact that you are spending time reading this email is a step in the right direction. Stop living your life in the rear-view mirror. MOVE FORWARD.

9. Make a long list of your personal breakthroughs and accomplishments.

Think of times when you did something that you thought you could never do, but you managed to pull it off successfully. Count even the small breakthroughs and accomplishments. These breakthroughs should be 
a source of pride! Make a long list of your own breakthroughs and read this list often. While reviewing your list, close your eyes and recreate the feelings of satisfaction and joy you experienced when you first attained each success. Make a list right now.

10. Make a list of your positive qualities.

Are you honest? Unselfish? Helpful? Creative? Hard-working? Be generous with yourself and write down at least 20 positive qualities. Don't think of the negatives; only list the positives. it's important to review this list often. Most people dwell on their inadequacies and then wonder why their life isn't working out. Start focusing on your positive traits! Stop beating yourself up.
11. Figure out the hidden strengths in your so-called weaknesses.

You can't develop high self-esteem if you constantly repeat negative comments about your skills and abilities. Remember that there is always a positive in every negative if you look hard enough. For instance, you may think of yourself as stubborn, but the flipside is that you're also persistent and dependable.

12. Rediscover and reaffirm your personal strengths

Sometimes you have to take a new inventory of what you LIKE about your looks, smile, body, sexiness, health, personality, skills, and character strengths. Don't sell yourself short. It isn't wrong or egotistical to praise yourself. You are probably better than you think you are.

13. Ignore yourself.

Sometimes the real problem isn't self-esteem at all but a tendency toward overthinking, or thinking to much about yourself and your circumstances. When you get this feeling, 
just stop. Direct your focus to other things. Forget about yourself, and apply your energy to completing a task that will get your further towards your goals.

14. Accept all compliments with "Thank You."

Don't dismiss or ignore compliments. When you do this, you give yourself the message that you don't deserve compliments, or you are not worthy of praise. Of course you deserve praise. Accept compliments from other people, and respond with a simple "Thank You."

15. Start giving more.

Start to give more of yourself to those around you. When you do things for someone else, you are making a positive contribution and you begin to feel more valuable, which in turn lifts your spirits and raises your own self-esteem. So next time you see a downcast or downtrodden person, pick her up from the rut. Share with her the warmth of your helping hand and watch the glow in her eyes.

16. Be your own cheerleader.

Tell yourself "Go! You can do it!" This may sound a bit ridiculous, but it really goes a long way. When you accomplish a task, learn how to enjoy a few minutes of self-congratulations instead of jumping right into the next task as if nothing happened. Imagine yourself as your own cheerleader on the sidelines of the game, cheering you toward the goal, then celebrating when you reach it. Again, this isn't silly -- it's smart and contagious.

17. Start small and do a task you can accomplish easily.

There's no faster way to build self-esteem than crossing items off your "to-do" list. It always feels good to get something done. And it doesn't necessarily have to be a monumental accomplishment. The person who moves a mountain starts by moving small stones. Start small, and build your momentum.
18. Examine your pattern of highs and lows.
Perhaps you're just in a "praise starvation" mode. Maybe it's been too long since you got a compliment or got to do anything that someone noticed. Or perhaps you started the downward spiral when you said some bad things to someone. It's always good to remember that self-esteem is a mental construct. So examine your patterns, and remember that it's all in your mind. Force yourself back to the high-road of positive thoughts.

19. Get some exercise.
Even ten minutes on the treadmill will help. Exercise can decrease "stress hormones" like cortisol, and increase endorphins (your body's "feel-good" chemicals) giving your mood a natural boost. If you don't exercise, go for a walk while feeding your brain with positive thoughts. Break a sweat. You'll feel better afterward.

20. Take action!
When you take action -- regardless of the result -- you feel better about yourself. When you fail to move forward because of fear and anxiety, you'll be frustrated and unhappy; and you will undoubtedly deal a damaging blow to your self-esteem. So do something, and do something now. Take action!


Management Interview Questions

Most of the questions asked during a job interview should be specific
to the position that would be occupied, and is appropriate to the
company's characteristics.

However, there are some basic questions that can be revealing candidate
for any office or business. In them, there is no right or wrong
answers, because the objective is to understand the personal
characteristics, candidate's achievements, and their plans for the
future. It is for the interviewer to assess whether the answers are
interesting to the needs and characteristics of the company. Are they:

1. Why did you choose this profession?
2. How do you evaluate your professional development to date?
3. What are your main professional limitations?
4. What is your professional long-term goal?
5. What annoys you most in the workplace?
6. What was the most difficult professional situation you decided? How?
7. In your last job, what were your most important achievements?
8. What goal you failed to achieve in your last job?
9. Among the managers with whom you have worked, what was the best and
the worst? Why?
10. Why did you leave (or want to leave) your current job?
11. What do you know about our company?
12. What makes you want to work with us?

Look fit these questions at the best time of their interviews.

Management Interview Questions
Common questions in job interviews and their meaning

Have you ever wondered why an interviewer makes certain questions in
the interviews? Some of the questions seem so vague and random that can
be hard to see the logic behind the interview process. What is right?
What is wrong? What the recruiter really want to hear? Following is a
quick guide to translations of some of the common issues of the interviews.

Question: Tell me about yourself.

Translation: Why should I hire you.

Recommended response. Do not take the question too literally.
Recruiters do not want to hear that it has grown in a small village or
who likes to travel the world. In addition, they do not want to hear
that you are an excellent communicator, team member and learn quickly.
They want you to show tangible proof of why you would be the person to
their company. Showcase 2-4 key skills and join each competency a
successful test. For example, a professional operations may show their
skills by saying, "I have strong project management skills and can
quickly resolve customer requests. For example, in my last job, I
decided 98% of all pending requests customers within 24 hours, and 50%
faster than the company's expectation for the resolution of problems. "

Question: What is your weakness?

Translation: We know what your weakness. Prove to us that is not a
problem for this position.
Recommended response. Before the interview addressing any potential
obstacles that the recruiter can comment. Maybe it's their lack of
knowledge in a specific software or your lack of experience in a
particular area. Show how it would overcome these obstacles or
demonstrate how exceeded similar obstacles in the past. For example, if
you apply for a position that requires a certain expertise and you have
limited experience, give an example of another software in which you
are experienced and how gained this experience, to prove that its
limited current knowledge is a minor problem which can be readily

Question: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Translation: Do you have a realistic perspective on what is meant by


Recommended response. Work out an answer that makes sense for the
employer's business environment. If a small business, do not say you
expect to have a function with an increase of responsibility - it may
not be feasible in their company. If you accept a job as an accountant
just to put one foot in the door now but what they really want is to be
a controller, do not talk about it in the interview. The recruiter
needs to know that you are committed to the role to which you are
applying, and not have to think of a new function. You can mention that
you see in a function where you can continue to learn and to contribute
to the company's results, and give an example of how he was able to do
this successfully in a previous company. This answer will help managers
feel confident with their level of commitment to the current function
and its future commitment to the company.

Question: What have you done since you left your last job?

Translation: Why was out of work for so long?

Suggested answer: Talk about any volunteer work or advice you may have
had in the meanwhile. If you have been interviewed actively but it was
not made any proposal can mention that has been interviewed but has not
found the right deal. If you have had limited activity, can let the
recruiter know that you have used this time to assess your skills,
develop your CV, do informational interviews and establish contacts
within professional circles. Obviously to say that has seen every
episode of the series "Law & Order" is not very good, so stay only for
the discussion of professional activities in which has been involved.

Question: You are being interviewed by other companies?

Translation: It is worth investing some time to yourself or you are
about to accept another offer?

Suggested answer: It is usually better to be vague in response,
especially if at the beginning of your job search. If you have just
begun, let the employer know that just started the interview process.
If you are in search mode for some time, let them know that has
actively sought but has not found the right deal.

Question: Tell us about the achievement that is proud to have achieved


Translation: The past experience is similar to what we need to do here?

Suggested answer: The achievement that makes you most proud may not be
the one that is most relevant to the organization's needs. Show an
achievement that proves that have the specific skills to do the job
they need to do. The story you choose can be different in different
interviews. No problem. You can be proud of more than an achievement,
and it is more important to show the right of conquest to talk about
the achievement that brought him more personal satisfaction.

Question: Tell me about a time where you lack the appropriate resources

to do their job and how you handled it.

Translation: We are understaffed or have no budget for nothing.

Suggested answer: Give an example to prove that already had this
situation before and you can do more with less. But be noted that this
is a recurring theme throughout the interview, proceed with caution.
You may be preparing to take on an impossible role with very limited

Question: How many golf balls can fit in a bus?

Translation: You are analytical, how it solves problems, or you care
that we want to create confusion in your head?

Suggested Answer: This question type is often referred to as puzzles.
Interviewers do not expect you to know the answer, but they will want
to see how you discover a strategy to get a response. These questions
tend to be more popular in high-tech companies, but job seekers in
other areas sometimes also have the.
Questions in job interviews: 50 most common

Before going to a job interview, should anticipate the interviewer's
questions. So you can adequately prepare their answers. Learn about the
most common questions in job interviews, according to Forbes.

50 common questions in job interviews

What are your main qualities?
What are your major defects?
Why are you interested in working in this company?
Where you see yourself in five years? And in 10 years?
Why do you want to leave your current company?
Why was no work during this period?
What has to offer that nobody else has?
What are the three aspects that his former supervisor would tell him to
Is available to work in another location?
Is available for travel?
Tell me about the results that are most proud.
Tell me about a situation where you made a mistake.
What is your dream job?
How did you hear about this opportunity?
What would you like to achieve in the first 30 days, 60 days and 90
days of work?
Show us your CV.
Present your academic background.
Tell me about yourself.
Talk about a situation where he managed a difficult situation.
Why is we hire?
Why are you looking for a new job?
Is available to work on holidays / weekends?
How you handle an unhappy customer?
What are your salary expectations?
Tell us a situation that was beyond the scope of a project.
Who are our competitors?
What was your biggest failure?
What motivates you?
What is your availability to start work?
Any mentor?
Tell me about a situation in which disagreed with your boss.
How do you handle the pressure?
What is the name of our CEO?
What are your career goals?
What makes up the morning of bed?
What is that a member of his team say about you?
What are the main boss of the strengths and weaknesses?
What is the biggest area in which your boss would tell him to improve?
It is considered a leader or a follower?
What was the last book you read in your free time?
Any annoying colleague?
What are your hobbies?
What is your favorite website?
What puts you uncomfortable?
What are your leadership experiences?
How would fire anyone?
What is most and least like about working in this industry?
Work 40 hours a week?
What questions is that missed me ask you?
Do you have questions for me do?
How to prepare for the questions of job interviews
Do your homework: research on the activity of the company and recent developments. Analyze the company's website, read the latest news,learn about the mission of the company and its products, services,investors and management team.
Prepare a list of likely questions: with so much information available easily on the internet has never been easier to prepare a list of questions.
Identify the company's needs: many of the questions appear to focus on the candidate ("why should we hire you"). In fact, what the interviewer wants to know is how your profile adds value to the company.
Learn what they know of themselves, analyze publicly available information about you (google, social networks, blogs or other) to see what the company can know about you. Prepare for any questions about some of these aspects.
Interview to himself: Before you go to an interview, ask himself: "Why do I have the right profile for this challenge?" Identify what is unique or special about you. Learn how exceeded expectations in the past. Meet the good results obtained. Identify examples of problemssolved. Make list of previous situations and how they can be used to your advantage.
Practice: Practice the interview with a friend, colleague or mentor. It is not necessary to know the color of answers, but it is good to have an idea of ​​what is going to respond to each question. Do not be surprised in the interview to practice several times to go refining your answers.company.


 Management Skills

Interview For Racing
In order to increase its performance in job interviews, we send you
information and examples of questions that certainly will contribute to
their preparation. We wish you much success.

In order to increase its performance in job interviews, we send you
information and examples of questions that certainly will contribute to
their preparation. We wish you much success.


Trading / Persuasion
Conflict Solution
Interpersonal Relationship
Focus on Results
Global vision
Team work
Self Confidence
Goal Setting
Provide / receive "feedback"
Problems solution
Customer Focus

.PERGUNTAS Possible:

1 - Describe to me a situation where you took responsibility for a task
that was not part of their duties.
2 - Tell me about changes that you implemented in your routines.
3 - Have you ever led people? What kind of leadership you exercised?
4 - Tell me about a situation where you had to convince their leader to
change his mind and was successful.
5 - Tell me a negotiation in which you have been convinced to change
his mind.
6 - Tell me you've managed a conflict with internal customers.
7 - Tell me a situation where you "clashed" with his leadership.
8 - What is the biggest contribution you offer to the team?
9 - Review a situation where he had to go over some business rules to
solve a problem.
10 - Tell me about a situation where you insisted on defending their
ethical values, despite the weather not being prone to this behavior?
11 - Tell me some spontaneous testimony of internal customer on results
of their work.
12 - What is the biggest risk you ran a decision that had to take
13 - How you managed a wrong decision?
14 - What is the "feed-back" more important than ever received?
15 - Tell me a situation where you recognized his error and he acted.
16 - What is the biggest pressure received by the leadership and how
did you react?
17 - What is your motivation to change jobs
18 - Tell me about a situation where you had to administer lack of
resources to solve a problem and how he
19 - What ideas or suggestions you more productive had in its area of ​​
20 - Tell me about a project that you developed and that was not
accepted by the Head
21- Tell me that you have implemented changes in their routines
22 - Tell me about a situation where he had to convince their leader to
change his mind and was successful.
23 - What are the major investments it has made in his career and which
is planning
24 - Tell me about conflicts with superiors and colleagues and as
25 - Tell me about some unexpected results that exceeded expectations
26 - Tell me some spontaneous testimony of internal client with the
result of your work or your team
27 - What was the mission of his last company and what the mission of
your work team
28 - How did you develop the team a systemic view of the company?
29 - What is the most daring you've made in the professional field?
31 - Tell me something important you learned from your team?
32 - Tell me a situation where he had to offer his help to solve a
difficult problem?
33 - What is the most difficult feedback you provided?
34 -What the most important thing that he believes have done for
35 - How acted to realize discouraged people around?